Nov 3/12

Ray Liotta: Goodfellas

Hello. Well, I guess I missed October. Sorry about that. However, I'm always happy to visit with you, when I finally do get here. Happily, I'm back for today.

Much has happened, of course. My French is going better, although it's a long road. My weight is no longer an issue; I've given up checking it. My art is even pretty good, when I get time.

Forty to fifty kids showed up for Hallowe'en, some as late as 9:30. I guess daylight saving time is tonight; historically it's been the weekend before Hallowe'en. Although I didn't know why at the time, I recall noting, at 5:30, that it was still light outside, and being surprised.

I did some yard work this week. Little things: I dead-headed some hydrangeas and raked some leaves. The leaves that fall on my property are oak, which are (I've heard) the best for the soil. Oaks don't grow here naturally; we're about 20 km north of the range. However, the oaks around my house are transplants.

It's rained virtually every day since the end of September. However, that's as it should be. We live in a rainforest here, and the summer was very long and dry. I noticed a few leftover bags of lime in my shed yesterday; I'll have to put that down soon.

Today's drawing is of Ray Liotta in the starring role of Henry Hill in Goodfellas (1990). It really is a great movie. Scorsese brings you into another world in which friends love and care about each other. At least, that's the first half. By the second half, things are going downhill. Having done time (with the others) for a serious crime, Hill is "damaged goods"; he can't work for the family any more. On his own, he gets back into crime, but ends up disrespecting his old boss in doing so. Finally he turns states' evidence and gives up all his old friends.

One definite lesson of Goodfellas is how youth blossoms and age corrupts. The guys are all beautiful and confident when they're young. However, as their deeds catch up with them, they become embattled and paranoid. They lose their youthful shine that made them so attractive early on.

Liotta is fantastic. Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci also star (among others). However, it's really Liotta's show. I confess I haven't seen all his other movies, but I don't think he ever bettered his performance in Goodfellas.

Wikipedia was a source for this article.

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