Well, we had a week of summer weather that ended yesterday. The frogs are singing up a storm at night, the daffodils are in bloom, and the bees are flying around.
I've been up on the ladder cleaning the gutters and washing windows.
Yesterday and today are gray and wet, however. It's tough to deal with after so much good weather. I think the reason is that once you're used to something new,
it can be very depressing to return to what you left. Some people refer to the feeling as "being pulled back".
Of course, the question that begs itself is, "Can you always expect to change away from something and leave it forever?" The weather is a case where you can't:
even in late spring, you sometimes have inclement weather that reminds you of early March.
Relationships with people can involve similar disappointment. You often hear, "I thought we were past this." One person in the
relationship wants to move forward, while the other doesn't. The "mover" has been able to carry it along for awhile, but now, without the support of the other
party, it stalls. Very often the person who doesn't want to advance doesn't say so at first, leaving the other with false hope. The premise is common in love affairs,
but perhaps is even more pernicious in friendships. After all, people expect love affairs to be difficult, whereas friends are supposed to be on the same side.
To the man at the right: Han Solo. He doesn't give the Rebels false hope. In fact, he pretends he's not going to help them, then puts himself at risk to save their
cause. My kids loved him the first time they saw Star Wars - I think everyone did.
This is an early drawing of mine, probably from about two and half years ago. Back then, my drawings were lighter. Since I wasn't scanning them, I hadn't yet
realized that a light drawing doesn't always scan very well.
While normally I use a last-in, first-out scheme, I enjoy posting a drawing from long ago. I still have a dozen or so old ones.
Have a great day. I hope I'll be back soon.