April 17/13


Well, I've been running since early February. It was tough at first. However, years ago I was in very good shape. I have tried to maintain an exercise pattern since, albeit less than before. Maybe that's made it a little easier the last couple of months.

At this point I've reached my old pinnacle for running. I'm celebrating with a hip strain: the last couple minutes of my run yesterday, it got quite sore. It hurts to walk upstairs, but walking forward has improved. My hope is that it'll subside over the next couple days. I've never had a hip problem before.

I've been very pleased with my progress running. However, injury is a constant threat, especially when training hard: you could say I had it coming. Now's time to rest and plan a new approach. Perhaps, at this juncture, a more gradual philosophy is indicated.

This past year, I've noticed that the world has changed since the late '90s. "Anyone could've told you that," you might be thinking. In that case, let me explain: I know that we have new o/s on our computers and we're wearing different clothes, but those aren't the changes I'm talking about. What I'm referring to is that the entire way of thinking has changed in North America (maybe worldwide as well, but I can't speak to that).

The old British thinking went as follows:

What's right is always right. You may not succeed today, but stay with the old wisdom. In time, those who stay true to it will prevail. There is no "new" truth or wisdom.

The old British point of view might seem absurd, but it certainly worked for them for 300 years.

Now, today's thinking:

On the way to success there are problems and obstacles. Try not to face them head-on; rather, accept and accommodate them as much as possible, like a river flowing around rocks. Try not to change the world, but to understand it and be at peace with it. Flexibility and adaptability will enable you to get what you need.

Anything able to persist in today's world seems to do so by changing. The change is usually toward being even more like the surroundings. Hence, the threat of being "out of sync" or "out of touch": if you don't know what's new, you can't change in response. In popular culture - which is the only culture we have now - extinction is the only fate for those who can't change.

Rather than go extinct, my running program will adapt. I'll keep you posted.

To the lady at the right: Hope Brady. Referring to persistence, she has been on Days since I can remember. I like her best as the Princess, into whom she is transformed by Stefano Dimera, another of the show's great characters.

This drawing may be controversial: I know my wife doesn't think it looks like Hope. On the other had, I really do. Now it's up to you:)

Hope Brady from Days Back
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